Montford North Star Academy is a middle school in the Asheville City Schools that focuses on Project-Based Learning. Come see how we built our VEX RobotsĀ®, built model thermodynamic homes, and come participate in interactive art, weaving and more!
The Franklin School of Innovation is preparing the next generation of leaders, capable of solving problems and participating effectively and ethically as local and global citizens. FSI will be showcasing various middle school projects.
Come join students from Thomas Jefferson Middle School as we create a collaborative art project from masking tape. Students will be teaching the basics of masking tape art and helping participants make pieces to add to the project.
Join Dr. Bob’s Sonic Interaction by the Moog Foundation. Ever wanted to play a Theremin or sculpt sound with a synthesizer? Dr. Bob’s Interactive Sonic Experience will have synthesizers, Theremins, oscilloscopes and other awesome gear for kids and adults to play and enjoy!